I worked every day for packing and eating plums (that is a part of work right
After work, just cooked some food, read a book and went a bed.
When its dayoff, went for walk & run to low hills where I could see the whole nature in
After work, just cooked some food, read a book and went a bed.
When its dayoff, went for walk & run to low hills where I could see the whole nature in
I've just moved into Sydney after finished working for plum packing for 2 months and a half in Young.
I didn't like Sydney at first. It was too busy city for me, but I am gradually finding beautiful nature around the city.
Let me talk about the life in Young, Young was 5,6 hours inland from Sydney.
Young and went to the town (takes 1hour and a half walk) , tried being outside. It was very simple life and I liked it. Young is as it was like North part of
I could see the low hills forever and there were many Cherry or plum Orchard.
I loved to see the sheeps, horses and cows in a grazing lands, beautilful lightnings, rainbows, sunshine, a ring of the sunlight, very red sunset, big moon, heaps of stars, Milky way and galaxy.... The simple life in a nature was really suit me.
First one month, I was living at a Camp-site, in a tent. I went a bed when its dark. good life without lights, without modern electric power.
I experienced both lives without lights and with lights. Now, I think there is big difference in the both lives.
Today, people use electric power for granted. but It is really wonderful things the sun light,
I ponder that how much we people are depending and wasting electric power.
Living in the middle of no where, A phone call couldn't get through smoothly, not to mention an access for the Internet.
I walked 1 hour and a half to get the library to use the Internet.
Means of transmission and communication, Today we use telephone, mobile phone for granted, we even use txt messeging, emailing or chatting on a computer.
We can tell, talk and send someone our feelings instantly.
There are so many way to communicate and convey everything what we thought, what we want to share, what we want to know, and also many way to answer for those.
What an age we are living now.
Lived without those access, I wrote my feelings to a paper, a letter, and think, ponder, sleep an idea.
In those ways, my feelings get more deep and calm, and feel those are more dear thing
We cherish ideas and thoughts more.
Nowadays, Everyone is in a speedy communication mutch, Living in minutes or seconds.
Communication is not about Speed.
I don't want people to forget to look at the substance of thoughts, look at the inside mind, look something we can not to see.
I believe that is the communication.
The simple life in Young was great. I won't forget those days.
Citylife is so stiffing, However I am starting to like here in Sydney now. I found a share house nearby beach and I often go for long walk to beatiful nature-side around ! I run to the beach every early morning and see the sun rise. I will enjoy staying here with my style.
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