The Rocks' Christmas tree created from recycled bottles :: SustainabilityMatters
This tree is near my work, Rocks Sydney.
It was created by using 18000 recycled plastic bottles ! I love the ecologically friendly idea !!
Let's enjoy Eco-friendly happy holidays !
It's been a year and a half I am living in Australia.
I think I am getting used to this hot Christmas season in Australia...
At the beach, I enjoyed look at the bikinis with Santa hats...
Now, I am in Japan, spending couple weeks for holidays...
30deg hot summer Australia to 3deg cold winter Japan.... well, I am the only one, having sunburn every where on my body;;;; ouch !
Happy Merry Christmas everyone !!
In peace
Jacaranda (the name of a tree), is of South American origin, It grows well in sub-tropical regions and may attain a height of twenty metres. It looks like a purple Japanese Sakura (Cherry blossom).
During late spring (Oct and Nov), We can see the beautiful trees everywhere around
I found the town named Grafton, There are hundreds of Jacaranda trees in the streets of the town. so I decided going there on my birthday. From
My birthday of this year, I was having hard time. I started working as a Japanese teacher but as it goes by, I was feeling loosing the way, stop and think which way to go in the middle of the journey... I needed the time getting myself together.
So I secretly got out of the city alone in the midnight and turned off my mobile phone. as the bus went far from the city, I felt the burden gets lighter and lighter...
People talk to me very friendly and warmly way in a small town. Kids say hi to me naturally. I felt I love this town !
Jacaranda were all over the places in the town. I walked for the more and more to see.
I took a rest in a small park, Jacaranda flowers are everywhere on a ground, It’s like a Jacaranda carpet.
I came back Sydney next early morning, all the pressure and speedy life in the city.
But I'll keep moving on with always bringing back the memory of the this birthday.
The language of flower is “Privilege”.
Wishing I can always walk proudly in my future life....
“You have reached a new milestone in your journey - may you also seek wisdom which is greater than knowledge. - Blessings on you as your journey on this good earth.” the letter from mother By “The Last American Man” Elizabeth Gilbert
Life in Young
I worked every day for packing and eating plums (that is a part of work right
After work, just cooked some food, read a book and went a bed.
When its dayoff, went for walk & run to low hills where I could see the whole nature in
After work, just cooked some food, read a book and went a bed.
When its dayoff, went for walk & run to low hills where I could see the whole nature in
I've just moved into Sydney after finished working for plum packing for 2 months and a half in Young.
I didn't like Sydney at first. It was too busy city for me, but I am gradually finding beautiful nature around the city.
Let me talk about the life in Young, Young was 5,6 hours inland from Sydney.
Young and went to the town (takes 1hour and a half walk) , tried being outside. It was very simple life and I liked it. Young is as it was like North part of
I could see the low hills forever and there were many Cherry or plum Orchard.
I loved to see the sheeps, horses and cows in a grazing lands, beautilful lightnings, rainbows, sunshine, a ring of the sunlight, very red sunset, big moon, heaps of stars, Milky way and galaxy.... The simple life in a nature was really suit me.
First one month, I was living at a Camp-site, in a tent. I went a bed when its dark. good life without lights, without modern electric power.
I experienced both lives without lights and with lights. Now, I think there is big difference in the both lives.
Today, people use electric power for granted. but It is really wonderful things the sun light,
I ponder that how much we people are depending and wasting electric power.
Living in the middle of no where, A phone call couldn't get through smoothly, not to mention an access for the Internet.
I walked 1 hour and a half to get the library to use the Internet.
Means of transmission and communication, Today we use telephone, mobile phone for granted, we even use txt messeging, emailing or chatting on a computer.
We can tell, talk and send someone our feelings instantly.
There are so many way to communicate and convey everything what we thought, what we want to share, what we want to know, and also many way to answer for those.
What an age we are living now.
Lived without those access, I wrote my feelings to a paper, a letter, and think, ponder, sleep an idea.
In those ways, my feelings get more deep and calm, and feel those are more dear thing
We cherish ideas and thoughts more.
Nowadays, Everyone is in a speedy communication mutch, Living in minutes or seconds.
Communication is not about Speed.
I don't want people to forget to look at the substance of thoughts, look at the inside mind, look something we can not to see.
I believe that is the communication.
The simple life in Young was great. I won't forget those days.
Citylife is so stiffing, However I am starting to like here in Sydney now. I found a share house nearby beach and I often go for long walk to beatiful nature-side around ! I run to the beach every early morning and see the sun rise. I will enjoy staying here with my style.
Road Trip 2464k Cairns to Sydney !
I came back in Australia first week of Jan, then started road trip Cairns to Sydney by myself. it was a quite trip, 2464K adventure, and I really enjoyed all the way down to come Sydney.
I stopped many beautiful places, Innisrail-AirlieBeach-Gladstone-Bundabarg-GoldCoast-PortMcquierie-Sydney
There were many awesome meetings and reunions on the way.
In GoldCoast, I met my friend who had the around world cruise together in 2001. We haven't seen eachother 5years. Also, I met another friend from Japan, we went same college, surprisingly, we haven't seen for 9years but it feels like we saw last time was like yesterday. How cool having reunion in other countries... I sudden fell in love the beaches of GoldCoast.... Beautiful beaches and beaches .... I again realized how much I like sea....before I left GoldCoast the friend Eddy taught me a boogie boad at the palm beach... I want to keep trying catching a wave in Sydney!
Another meetin
g was a place named PortMcquierie... right after I got into the place, as I was looking for the accomodation for one night, I kept meeting nice people and beautiful scenery.... so my spontaneous trip god changed my plan, I stayed couple days in PortMcquierie.... it was so much fun. There are beautiful 9beaches, creeks, hills and many more.... Scenery reminded me Canada.... I tried Sea-kayak, was awesome ! we went trough between the mangroves in the creek, beautiful clear ocean and surf-kayking.... I really had a good time ! I feel I come back in there again !
Driving alone for 10days make my mind so fresh and clear. I loved it.
Australia is another grand country ! I sometime feel like I am in Africa as I was driving in the middle of nowhere.... humanbeing was only myself. (Others were Kangaroos...) I was surrounded endless land..... it's massive nature land.... 
And now I am in the place named Young in NSW, am camping in the middle of nowhere and working for Plum farm.
I enjoy this simple life. I woke up before the sunrise and just go the bed when the darkness comes. I am sharing my tent with two other Korean girls. They are so sweet.
I will work here till the season finished and till I get the second visa, then I go to Sydney for the Japanese teacher's school. I am looking forward to move on to my next step, studying for Japanese teacher!
I will post when I get into Sydney ! till then !!!! See ya !!!!! Love and Hugs....
PS:March 28 is Earth Hour !! Turn off the light when the night !!!! Enjoy the candle night !
A brand-new year has just begun !
In Japan, there are many superstition for a new year.
Seeing the new year's first sunrise is one of a joyous events and one of a superstitions, it is believed to bring good luck in Japan.
This morning, I was woken up around 5:30 by my dad.
And all my family members went to see the snrise.
There are already so many people waiting the sunrise at the scenic coastline.
Today was a perfect wheather, very clear air and not many clouds.
We saw the first sunrise from little fishing harbor. It was really beautiful.
On a new year's eve, I went out to a shrine by myself after the midnight.
So many people were standing in a long line to pray for happiness and good health in the coming year.
My old friend was playing a Japanese drum on a stage of the shrine, the traditional lion dance was also performed on the same stage.
It was really Japanese traditional new year which I haven't had in years.
I was just happy watched many people in there... nowadays, many traditional culture or customs are changing with times but on New Year's day, you'll see many people (all generations) still enjoy their culture.
I enjoyed drinking free sweet alcoholic AMASAKE on the way home with many happy thoughts. (Drinking AMASAKE is also to wish for the safety of their families and success in busi
What a good time....
It's a good start for my 2009, It's a beginning of another year !
2009 will be a good year.
However, I can't forget right now many countries in this world are in suffering from war, severe food shortages, economic gap etc.... I'll try to make a difference from myself more in 2009... I believe little things also can make a change !
I hope this new year will bring EVERYONE in this world good luck and happiness.
Lots Love
In peace
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