Wedding bouquet

Look !! this Happiest smile !!

Last Sunday, I went to my friend Yuuki's wedding party. 
I met Yuuki when I was working at the StarBucks and through my friend Emi we got more closer. The smile on her wedding was the happiest smile ever !! She was so beautiful !! 
I just admire her shine all day....

We used to work at the StarBucks together !
Now, everyone became mommy !

We met Yuuki through our friend Emi who lives in U.S..
With Satomi and Ayako

Then, at the bouquet ceremony, miracle happened !
Yuuki used a bouquet which our friend Emi used on her weddding last July in Seattle! The bouquet was artificial flower, made by Emi's mom.

but It's luck of the draw,  
Satomi, Ayako and I were only knew the bouquet is very special...
We all remember Yuuki got the bouquet on the last July at Emi's wedding in Seattle.

Then..... miracle !!!!!! The person who got the bouquet was Satomi who is one of Emi's best friend !!
We can say it was a fate !!
Satomi got passed the happy baton. yeah !! Be happy Satomi !! 

Hideo is a bloom.
He looks really kind... and Yuuki cuddle up to him all the time.
They are such a perfect couple.
When I am with them, I feel very peaceful. 

I am happy I got a new friend Hideo-san !! 

Congratulations YUUKI and HIDEO !!
Their life-journey has just begun !

more pictures
click here ↓
Youuki&Hideo wedding party


88 !!

In Japan, We celebrate someone's eighty-eight birthday as 88 is the good fortune number.
My grandma reached eighty-eight years of age this August.

My dad, my brother and I played a song for grandma. 
She was so happy with even putting her hands up in the air ! (on a pic down below)
My grandma has full of woman's feminine charm and mannerisms.
And She always has gratitude for others.
From her, I am learning many things....
Thank you grandma !  


Doors of Dublin

I got a post card from Ireland.
It was from my friend Masa who is traveling Europe.

“Doors of Dublin”
The colorful doors took my heart....
It made me idly wonder What is Dublin like....

When I travel,
I like finding a nice house or narrow pathway, peeking into someone's house.
Because I am able to take brief glimpses of the daily lives of the town or the countries.

Thinking about the countries haven't been yet....
It's a good way to going on a journey in my daily life...

Thank you Masa, for sending me the card !!


MATSURI at Zushi

Look up the shining full moon in the sky.
The stream of the clouds clearly see....

Under the full moon,
We went out for MATSURI(festival)at Zushi.

This year, the MATSURI hold for the reconstruction assistance for affected area of Tsunami.

On the second day, I saw MIKOSHI. (an ornate palanquin-like portable shrine)

I don't usually like crowd, but this time, I felt power from the people.

Hearing the sound of people calling out, and seeing many happy people, it came home to me how nice being Japan...

goldfish scooping


Summer has arrived !!


Summer has arrived !!
Beer tastes especially good with watching the sunset.
There were many people having a good time at the BEACH HOUSE ''BLUE MOON'' Isshiki, Hayama on its opening last weekend!


The time tricked by slowly..... with the sunset and the roar of waves... 
and happy people who have waited this opening of this Summer !!

Trend of this summer !? 



Surfers were catching some high waves....

Summer is only just around the corner.
My friend Nalini came back in Japan and visited us from Australia.

We took a walk to the Issiki beach in the morning.
BLUE SKY and BLUE SEAS welcomed us !!
We had a breakfast at the beach with being scared of kites.... ;

The beach houses are opening this weekend !!


Here's our jump shots ! Jumped for joyful Summer !!