February 3rd is Setsubun.
Setsubun (February 3 or 4) is the day before the beginning of spring according to the lunisolar calendar. On the evening of this day, people open the doors of their houses and drive the demons (i.e. bad luck) out of their homes and gardens by throwing handfuls of beans and shouting "Demons out! Good luck in !!"
And one more thing we do on Setsubun is eating Spring Sushi roll.
So my share mate Satoko and Nalini-san made Spring sushi-roll.

It was first experience making sushi roll for Nalini-san, although it was well-made !!
And after eating sushi-roll, of course we threw the special beans toward Demons, but Demons do not exist.......... anymore (!?)
So, Satoko drew the Demons, but they were too cute.
I didn't want to throw them out :)
but we did and shouted
“Demons out!! Good luck in !!”
「鬼は外!福は内!Oni ha soto ! Fuku ha uchi !!」
Hopefully, in 2011 Good luck will come to my house.