I came back in Australia first week of Jan, then started road trip Cairns to Sydney by myself. it was a quite trip, 2464K adventure, and I really enjoyed all the way down to come Sydney.
I stopped many beautiful places, Innisrail-AirlieBeach-Gladstone-Bundabarg-GoldCoast-PortMcquierie-Sydney
There were many awesome meetings and reunions on the way.
In GoldCoast, I met my friend who had the around world cruise together in 2001. We haven't seen eachother 5years. Also, I met another friend from Japan, we went same college, surprisingly, we haven't seen for 9years but it feels like we saw last time was like yesterday. How cool having reunion in other countries... I sudden fell in love the beaches of GoldCoast.... Beautiful beaches and beaches .... I again realized how much I like sea....before I left GoldCoast the friend Eddy taught me a boogie boad at the palm beach... I want to keep trying catching a wave in Sydney!
Another meetin
g was a place named PortMcquierie... right after I got into the place, as I was looking for the accomodation for one night, I kept meeting nice people and beautiful scenery.... so my spontaneous trip god changed my plan, I stayed couple days in PortMcquierie.... it was so much fun. There are beautiful 9beaches, creeks, hills and many more.... Scenery reminded me Canada.... I tried Sea-kayak, was awesome ! we went trough between the mangroves in the creek, beautiful clear ocean and surf-kayking.... I really had a good time ! I feel I come back in there again !
Driving alone for 10days make my mind so fresh and clear. I loved it.
Australia is another grand country ! I sometime feel like I am in Africa as I was driving in the middle of nowhere.... humanbeing was only myself. (Others were Kangaroos...) I was surrounded endless land..... it's massive nature land.... 
And now I am in the place named Young in NSW, am camping in the middle of nowhere and working for Plum farm.
I enjoy this simple life. I woke up before the sunrise and just go the bed when the darkness comes. I am sharing my tent with two other Korean girls. They are so sweet.
I will work here till the season finished and till I get the second visa, then I go to Sydney for the Japanese teacher's school. I am looking forward to move on to my next step, studying for Japanese teacher!
I will post when I get into Sydney ! till then !!!! See ya !!!!! Love and Hugs....
PS:March 28 is Earth Hour !! Turn off the light when the night !!!! Enjoy the candle night !