Japan co-hosted Tokyo International Conference on African Development (TICAD) this year in Yokohama. TICAD was launched to promote high-level policy dialogue between African leaders and development partners.
This Summer, Japan also has a opportunity to make sure the G8 leaders keep their promises to the world's poor as they host the G8 summit.

so now, many movement-related those international events are everywhere in Japan.
Last week, I participated an event named ''ONE FOR ALL''. Antony Gormley the artist from England led us and over 500 people became one art . It taken a picture from the sky and will spread all over the world as a symbol of the peace....
I am looking forward to seeing how the art will go all over as a message.
It was raining at the event but He speeched in the beginning , ''In Here, We say this rain is unfortunate. but some of the countries in the world need this rain...'' It is .... It's very important to think that way I thought...
After the event, I went to two Picture Exhibitions, Pictures taken in Africa. It was not a Pub claw but a Exhibition claw... The exhibitions named ''A DAY IN THE LIFE OF AFRICA'' and ''THE LAND OF AFRICA National Geoglafic presents''.

The faces of Africa, civil conflicts,epidemics,poverty and public health sanitation...They have faced with various difficult problems however on the other hands, The barefaced of brightness they have, and Beautiful and Grand nature... I pondered many things...
One message caught my eyes.
''Yesterday was just a dream and Tomorrow only a vision. But today well lived, makes every yesterday a dream of happiness and
every tomorrow a vision of hope.Look well, therefore to this day.''
I just wanna live with people who take life one day at one time with all over creation in Africa. I pondered the memories of the places I have been in Africa.... Kenya, Egypt, Eritrea and Morocco....and many more deeply continuing land I saw in the pictures this time..... I wanna visit there again definitely...
My friend Hachi is working as JICA members in Niger.... I ponder how is she... and how are people backside of the planet.... always.... Peace for our only planet...
This is Sarah Mclachlan Music Video
This vido clip is about what can we do for the people in Third world, their education, medical care, food... how much we can help using the same cost as this video clip... What a ironic world we are living...
Please Watch the video clip !